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<p>Almost one year ago, I talked about <a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/">AsyncAPI</a> 2.6 and how confusing its publish and subscribe operations can be in my <a href="https://atamel.dev/posts/2023/05-18_asyncapi_publishsubscribe_refactor">Understanding AsyncAPI's publish & subscribe semantics with an example</a> post.</p><p>Since then, a new 3.0 version of AsyncAPI has been released with breaking changes and a totally new send and receive operations.</p><p>In this blog post, I want to revisit the example from last year and show how to rewrite it for AsyncAPI 3.0 with the new send and receive operations.</p><h3>AsyncAPI 3.0</h3><p>AsyncAPI 3.0 was released in December 2023. Since it's a major version, it has some breaking changes. These two pages does a good job explaining the changes and the rationale behind them:</p><ul><li><a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/blog/release-notes-3.0.0">AsyncAPI 3.0.0 Release Notes</a>.</li><li><a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/migration/migrating-to-v3">Migrating to v3</a>.</li></ul><p>I won’t go through all the changes. For me, the biggest change is the separation of operations and channels, and changing publish and subscribe operations to send and receive.</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/693/0*JRRNdhOa9QSlg9u_.png" /></figure><h3>Recap: Publish and subscribe operations in AsyncAPI 2.6</h3><p>As a recap, AsyncAPI 2.6 has the following publish and subscribe operations with these semantics:</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/783/1*qt82k4Q2nNRNfxRTiEz9xA.png" /></figure><p>In 2.6, publish and subscribe operations are from <strong>user's perspective</strong>.</p><h3>New: Send and receive operations in AsyncAPI 3.0</h3><p>In 3.0, the publish and subscribe operations are replaced with send and receive operations. In <a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/migration/migrating-to-v3">Migrating to v3</a> page, the rationale is given as follows:</p><blockquote>In v2, the publish and subscribe operations consistently caused confusion, even among those familiar with the intricacies.</blockquote><blockquote>When you specified publish, it implied that others could publish to this channel since your application subscribed to it. Conversely, subscribe meant that others could subscribe because your application was the one publishing.</blockquote><blockquote>In v3, these operations have been entirely replaced with an action property that clearly indicates what your application does. That eliminates ambiguities related to other parties or differing perspectives.</blockquote><p>While I agree that publish and subscribe were confusing, I'm not sure if send and receive are less confusing. You still need to talk about whose perspective when defining these operations. AsyncAPI docs talk about <em>application</em> but that's not clear either. Does application refer to the code sending the message (user) or the code receiving the message (server)?</p><p>In Async 3.0, send and receive operations are from <strong>server's perspective</strong>. An example will clarify.</p><h3>Account and Email Services</h3><p>Let’s revisit our example from last year. You have two microservices: Account Service emits an userSignedUp event and Email Service receives that event:</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/720/0*9Ydxd0aMTSxeLya1" /></figure><p>How do you define such an architecture in AsyncAPI 2.6 vs 3.0?</p><h3>Account Service</h3><p>For Account Service, in 2.6, you had to define a channel with subscribe operation because the <strong>user</strong> has to subscribe to receive messages:</p><pre>asyncapi: 2.6.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> subscribe:<br> operationId: publishUserSignedUp<br> message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/account-service-2.6.yaml">account-service-2.6.yaml</a></p><p>In 3.0, the channel does not have an operation anymore. Instead, there's a new publishUserSignedUp operation with send action that refers to the channel. This is because the <strong>server</strong> sends the message:</p><pre>asyncapi: 3.0.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> address: user/signedup<br> messages:<br> publishUserSignedUp.message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'<br><br>operations:<br> publishUserSignedUp:<br> action: send<br> channel:<br> $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup'<br> messages:<br> - $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup/messages/publishUserSignedUp.message'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/account-service-3.0.yaml">account-service-3.0.yaml</a></p><h3>Email Service</h3><p>Similarly, in Email Service, in 2.6, you had to define a publish operation because the <strong>user</strong> had to publish a message to the server:</p><pre>asyncapi: 2.6.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> publish:<br> operationId: receiveUserSignedUp<br> message:<br> $ref : '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/email-service-2.6.yaml">email-service-2.6.yaml</a></p><p>However, in 3.0, the <strong>server</strong> receives a message, so the operation has receive action:</p><pre>asyncapi: 3.0.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> address: user/signedup<br> messages:<br> receiveUserSignedUp.message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'<br><br>operations:<br> receiveUserSignedUp:<br> action: receive<br> channel:<br> $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup'<br> messages:<br> - $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup/messages/receiveUserSignedUp.message'</pre><p>In this blog post, I explored a small part of AsyncAPI and explained the differences between 2.6 operations publish and subscribe and 3.0 operations send and receive. In a nutshell, in 2.6, you need to think from user's perspective and in 3.0 in server's perspective when you define these operations.</p><p>If you’re interested in learning more, I have a talk on CloudEvents and AsyncAPI and a repo with some samples:</p><ul><li><a href="https://speakerdeck.com/meteatamel/open-standards-for-building-event-driven-applications-in-the-cloud">Open standards for building event-driven applications in the cloud</a>.</li><li><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/">asyncapi-basics</a></li></ul><p><em>Originally published at </em><a href="https://atamel.dev/posts/2024/05-13_asyncapi_30_send_receive/"><em>https://atamel.dev</em></a><em>.</em></p><img src="https://medium.com/_/stat?event=post.clientViewed&referrerSource=full_rss&postId=013dd1d6265b" width="1" height="1" alt=""><hr><p><a href="https://medium.com/google-cloud/asyncapi-gets-a-new-version-3-0-and-new-operations-013dd1d6265b">AsyncAPI gets a new version 3.0 and new operations</a> was originally published in <a href="https://medium.com/google-cloud">Google Cloud - Community</a> on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.</p>
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry title: AsyncAPI gets a new version 3.0 and new operations url: https://medium.com/google-cloud/asyncapi-gets-a-new-version-3-0-and-new-operations-013dd1d6265b?source=rss----e52cf94d98af---4 author: Mete Atamel categories: - software-development - software-engineering - open-source - event-driven-architecture published: 2024-05-13 08:32:53.000000000 Z entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier is_perma_link: 'false' guid: https://medium.com/p/013dd1d6265b carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: Google Cloud - Medium macro_region: Blogs rss_fields: - title - url - author - categories - published - entry_id - content content: '<p>Almost one year ago, I talked about <a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/">AsyncAPI</a> 2.6 and how confusing its publish and subscribe operations can be in my <a href="https://atamel.dev/posts/2023/05-18_asyncapi_publishsubscribe_refactor">Understanding AsyncAPI's publish & subscribe semantics with an example</a> post.</p><p>Since then, a new 3.0 version of AsyncAPI has been released with breaking changes and a totally new send and receive operations.</p><p>In this blog post, I want to revisit the example from last year and show how to rewrite it for AsyncAPI 3.0 with the new send and receive operations.</p><h3>AsyncAPI 3.0</h3><p>AsyncAPI 3.0 was released in December 2023. Since it's a major version, it has some breaking changes. These two pages does a good job explaining the changes and the rationale behind them:</p><ul><li><a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/blog/release-notes-3.0.0">AsyncAPI 3.0.0 Release Notes</a>.</li><li><a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/migration/migrating-to-v3">Migrating to v3</a>.</li></ul><p>I won’t go through all the changes. For me, the biggest change is the separation of operations and channels, and changing publish and subscribe operations to send and receive.</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/693/0*JRRNdhOa9QSlg9u_.png" /></figure><h3>Recap: Publish and subscribe operations in AsyncAPI 2.6</h3><p>As a recap, AsyncAPI 2.6 has the following publish and subscribe operations with these semantics:</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/783/1*qt82k4Q2nNRNfxRTiEz9xA.png" /></figure><p>In 2.6, publish and subscribe operations are from <strong>user's perspective</strong>.</p><h3>New: Send and receive operations in AsyncAPI 3.0</h3><p>In 3.0, the publish and subscribe operations are replaced with send and receive operations. In <a href="https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/migration/migrating-to-v3">Migrating to v3</a> page, the rationale is given as follows:</p><blockquote>In v2, the publish and subscribe operations consistently caused confusion, even among those familiar with the intricacies.</blockquote><blockquote>When you specified publish, it implied that others could publish to this channel since your application subscribed to it. Conversely, subscribe meant that others could subscribe because your application was the one publishing.</blockquote><blockquote>In v3, these operations have been entirely replaced with an action property that clearly indicates what your application does. That eliminates ambiguities related to other parties or differing perspectives.</blockquote><p>While I agree that publish and subscribe were confusing, I'm not sure if send and receive are less confusing. You still need to talk about whose perspective when defining these operations. AsyncAPI docs talk about <em>application</em> but that's not clear either. Does application refer to the code sending the message (user) or the code receiving the message (server)?</p><p>In Async 3.0, send and receive operations are from <strong>server's perspective</strong>. An example will clarify.</p><h3>Account and Email Services</h3><p>Let’s revisit our example from last year. You have two microservices: Account Service emits an userSignedUp event and Email Service receives that event:</p><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/720/0*9Ydxd0aMTSxeLya1" /></figure><p>How do you define such an architecture in AsyncAPI 2.6 vs 3.0?</p><h3>Account Service</h3><p>For Account Service, in 2.6, you had to define a channel with subscribe operation because the <strong>user</strong> has to subscribe to receive messages:</p><pre>asyncapi: 2.6.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> subscribe:<br> operationId: publishUserSignedUp<br> message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/account-service-2.6.yaml">account-service-2.6.yaml</a></p><p>In 3.0, the channel does not have an operation anymore. Instead, there's a new publishUserSignedUp operation with send action that refers to the channel. This is because the <strong>server</strong> sends the message:</p><pre>asyncapi: 3.0.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> address: user/signedup<br> messages:<br> publishUserSignedUp.message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'<br><br>operations:<br> publishUserSignedUp:<br> action: send<br> channel:<br> $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup'<br> messages:<br> - $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup/messages/publishUserSignedUp.message'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/account-service-3.0.yaml">account-service-3.0.yaml</a></p><h3>Email Service</h3><p>Similarly, in Email Service, in 2.6, you had to define a publish operation because the <strong>user</strong> had to publish a message to the server:</p><pre>asyncapi: 2.6.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> publish:<br> operationId: receiveUserSignedUp<br> message:<br> $ref : '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'</pre><p><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/blob/main/samples/account-email-services/email-service-2.6.yaml">email-service-2.6.yaml</a></p><p>However, in 3.0, the <strong>server</strong> receives a message, so the operation has receive action:</p><pre>asyncapi: 3.0.0<br><br>channels:<br> user/signedup:<br> address: user/signedup<br> messages:<br> receiveUserSignedUp.message:<br> $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'<br><br>operations:<br> receiveUserSignedUp:<br> action: receive<br> channel:<br> $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup'<br> messages:<br> - $ref: '#/channels/user~1signedup/messages/receiveUserSignedUp.message'</pre><p>In this blog post, I explored a small part of AsyncAPI and explained the differences between 2.6 operations publish and subscribe and 3.0 operations send and receive. In a nutshell, in 2.6, you need to think from user's perspective and in 3.0 in server's perspective when you define these operations.</p><p>If you’re interested in learning more, I have a talk on CloudEvents and AsyncAPI and a repo with some samples:</p><ul><li><a href="https://speakerdeck.com/meteatamel/open-standards-for-building-event-driven-applications-in-the-cloud">Open standards for building event-driven applications in the cloud</a>.</li><li><a href="https://github.com/meteatamel/asyncapi-basics/">asyncapi-basics</a></li></ul><p><em>Originally published at </em><a href="https://atamel.dev/posts/2024/05-13_asyncapi_30_send_receive/"><em>https://atamel.dev</em></a><em>.</em></p><img src="https://medium.com/_/stat?event=post.clientViewed&referrerSource=full_rss&postId=013dd1d6265b" width="1" height="1" alt=""><hr><p><a href="https://medium.com/google-cloud/asyncapi-gets-a-new-version-3-0-and-new-operations-013dd1d6265b">AsyncAPI gets a new version 3.0 and new operations</a> was originally published in <a href="https://medium.com/google-cloud">Google Cloud - Community</a> on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.</p>'
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