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<h3>Tech Watch #4 — October, 27, 2023</h3><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1024/1*_2CIOvErFLG1qdX8tDCSqQ.png" /></figure><ul><li>The <a href="https://www.stateof.ai/">State of AI report</a> is pretty interesting to read (even if long!). Among the major sections: research, industry, but also politics, safety, and some predictions. You’ll find an executive summary in one slide, on slide #8.<br>On #22, <strong>emergent capabilities of LLMs</strong> is covered and mentions Stanford’s research that talks about the importance of more linear and continuous measures as otherwise capabilities sound like they emerge out of the blue.<br>On #23, they talk about the <strong>context length of LLMs being the new parameter count</strong>, as models try to have bigger context windows.<br>However, on slide #24, they also talk about researchers who showed that <strong>in long context windows the content provided in the middle is more ignored</strong> by LLMs compared to content at the beginning or end of the window.<br>So be sure to <strong>put the important bits first or last</strong>, but not lost in the middle.<br>Slide #26 speaks about <strong>smaller models trained with smaller curated datasets and can rival 50x bigger models</strong>.<br>Slide #28 wonders if we’re <strong>running out of human-generated data</strong>, and thus, if we’re going to have our LLMs trained on… LLM generated data!</li><li><a href="https://projector.tensorflow.org/">3D visualisation of vector embeddings from Tensorflow</a><br>As I’m working on a small application that would help visuliase vector embeddings, I was looking for existing apps or articles that show how vectors can be similar, and thus their semantic to be similar as well. And I came across this existing visualisation from the Tensorflow project, which uses the Word2Vec embedding approach. I like the fact you can use different 3D projections techniques like t-SNE or PCA, and you see related vectors closer in the 3D space, as their meaning is closer too.</li><li><a href="https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2023/10/26/making-postgres-tick-new-features-in-pg-cron/">A cron extension for PostgreSQL</a><br>pg_cron is an extension for the PostgreSQL database that adds scheduling capabilities. It can even be scheduled to run your procedures or other SQL queries every few seconds.</li><li><a href="https://protomaps.com/">Protomaps</a> is a free and open source map of the world, deployable as a single static file on cloud storage (including Google Cloud Storage). You can use OpenStreetMap tiles, as it’s distributed with a version of OSM. It’s using an efficient and open archive format for pyramids of tile data, accessible via HTTP Range requests.</li><li><a href="https://artistassistapp.com/">ArtistAssistApp</a> is an application which can tell you which oil or water color paints to use and mix to create similar looking colors for your painting, as you try to reproduce a photo. As a wannabe painter myself, I always struggle creating mixes that match real colors, and this tool is pretty clever to let you find the right mix (at least if you use some well-known paint brands). This also reminds me of <a href="https://scrtwpns.com/mixbox/">mixbox</a> which simulates color mixing as real color pigments mix in real paint, and using such algorithm would greatly improve the real-life accuracy of color mixes in digital art painting applications.</li><li><a href="https://vectorizer.ai/">Vectorizer</a> is an online tool to transform an image into an SVG file. As I’m playing a bit with Generative AI-based image generation, sometimes, the upscalers don’t suffice, and you want to transform a nice generated image into a vectorial format (for example clipart-like illustrations), so they scale gracefully in slide decks or on websites.</li></ul><img src="https://medium.com/_/stat?event=post.clientViewed&referrerSource=full_rss&postId=d48a1449eeb0" width="1" height="1" alt="">
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry title: 'Tech Watch #4 — October, 27, 2023' url: https://glaforge.medium.com/tech-watch-4-october-27-2023-d48a1449eeb0?source=rss-431147437aeb------2 author: Guillaume Laforge categories: - llm - tech-watch published: 2023-10-27 15:04:58.000000000 Z entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier is_perma_link: 'false' guid: https://medium.com/p/d48a1449eeb0 carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: Guillaume Laforge - Medium macro_region: Blogs rss_fields: - title - url - author - categories - published - entry_id - content content: '<h3>Tech Watch #4 — October, 27, 2023</h3><figure><img alt="" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1024/1*_2CIOvErFLG1qdX8tDCSqQ.png" /></figure><ul><li>The <a href="https://www.stateof.ai/">State of AI report</a> is pretty interesting to read (even if long!). Among the major sections: research, industry, but also politics, safety, and some predictions. You’ll find an executive summary in one slide, on slide #8.<br>On #22, <strong>emergent capabilities of LLMs</strong> is covered and mentions Stanford’s research that talks about the importance of more linear and continuous measures as otherwise capabilities sound like they emerge out of the blue.<br>On #23, they talk about the <strong>context length of LLMs being the new parameter count</strong>, as models try to have bigger context windows.<br>However, on slide #24, they also talk about researchers who showed that <strong>in long context windows the content provided in the middle is more ignored</strong> by LLMs compared to content at the beginning or end of the window.<br>So be sure to <strong>put the important bits first or last</strong>, but not lost in the middle.<br>Slide #26 speaks about <strong>smaller models trained with smaller curated datasets and can rival 50x bigger models</strong>.<br>Slide #28 wonders if we’re <strong>running out of human-generated data</strong>, and thus, if we’re going to have our LLMs trained on… LLM generated data!</li><li><a href="https://projector.tensorflow.org/">3D visualisation of vector embeddings from Tensorflow</a><br>As I’m working on a small application that would help visuliase vector embeddings, I was looking for existing apps or articles that show how vectors can be similar, and thus their semantic to be similar as well. And I came across this existing visualisation from the Tensorflow project, which uses the Word2Vec embedding approach. I like the fact you can use different 3D projections techniques like t-SNE or PCA, and you see related vectors closer in the 3D space, as their meaning is closer too.</li><li><a href="https://www.citusdata.com/blog/2023/10/26/making-postgres-tick-new-features-in-pg-cron/">A cron extension for PostgreSQL</a><br>pg_cron is an extension for the PostgreSQL database that adds scheduling capabilities. It can even be scheduled to run your procedures or other SQL queries every few seconds.</li><li><a href="https://protomaps.com/">Protomaps</a> is a free and open source map of the world, deployable as a single static file on cloud storage (including Google Cloud Storage). You can use OpenStreetMap tiles, as it’s distributed with a version of OSM. It’s using an efficient and open archive format for pyramids of tile data, accessible via HTTP Range requests.</li><li><a href="https://artistassistapp.com/">ArtistAssistApp</a> is an application which can tell you which oil or water color paints to use and mix to create similar looking colors for your painting, as you try to reproduce a photo. As a wannabe painter myself, I always struggle creating mixes that match real colors, and this tool is pretty clever to let you find the right mix (at least if you use some well-known paint brands). This also reminds me of <a href="https://scrtwpns.com/mixbox/">mixbox</a> which simulates color mixing as real color pigments mix in real paint, and using such algorithm would greatly improve the real-life accuracy of color mixes in digital art painting applications.</li><li><a href="https://vectorizer.ai/">Vectorizer</a> is an online tool to transform an image into an SVG file. As I’m playing a bit with Generative AI-based image generation, sometimes, the upscalers don’t suffice, and you want to transform a nice generated image into a vectorial format (for example clipart-like illustrations), so they scale gracefully in slide decks or on websites.</li></ul><img src="https://medium.com/_/stat?event=post.clientViewed&referrerSource=full_rss&postId=d48a1449eeb0" width="1" height="1" alt="">'
Ricc internal notes
Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-03-31 22:53:51 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,author,categories,published,entry_id,content. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/Blogs/Guillaume Laforge - Medium/2023-10-27-Tech_Watch_#4 — October,_27,_2023-v2.yaml
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