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🗞️Building healthier habitats to resist the impacts of climate change

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Building healthier habitats to resist the impacts of climate change

2024-03-31 - (from US general3)

Scientists have prescribed practical steps to heal our warming planet, including returning our towns back to a more natural state. CBS News correspondent Jonathan Vigliotti explains how taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change can save us from the trauma of disasters brought about by extreme weather.


[USA] 🌎 https://www.cbsnews.com/video/building-healthier-habitats-to-resist-the-impacts-of-climate-change/ [🧠] [v2] article_embedding_description: {:llm_project_id=>"Unavailable", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>545, :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"textembedding-gecko"}
[🧠] [v1/3] title_embedding_description: {:ricc_notes=>"[embed-v3] Fixed on 9oct24. Only seems incompatible at first glance with embed v1.", :llm_project_id=>"unavailable possibly not using Vertex", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>545, :poly_field=>"title", :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"textembedding-gecko"}
[🧠] [v1/3] summary_embedding_description: {:ricc_notes=>"[embed-v3] Fixed on 9oct24. Only seems incompatible at first glance with embed v1.", :llm_project_id=>"unavailable possibly not using Vertex", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>545, :poly_field=>"summary", :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"textembedding-gecko"}
[🧠] As per bug https://github.com/palladius/gemini-news-crawler/issues/4 we can state this article belongs to titile/summary version: v3 (very few articles updated on 9oct24)


Title: Building healthier habitats to resist the impacts of climate change
Summary: Scientists have prescribed practical steps to heal our warming planet, including returning our towns back to a more natural state. CBS News correspondent Jonathan Vigliotti explains how taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change can save us from the trauma of disasters brought about by extreme weather.


PublishedDate: 2024-03-31
Category: USA
NewsPaper: US general3
"title"=>"Building healthier habitats to resist the impacts of climate change",
"summary"=>"Scientists have prescribed practical steps to heal our warming planet, including returning our towns back to a more natural state. CBS News correspondent Jonathan Vigliotti explains how taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change can save us from the trauma of disasters brought about by extreme weather.",
"published_date"=>Sun, 31 Mar 2024 16:10:12.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Sun, 31 Mar 2024 21:24:47.381230000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Mon, 21 Oct 2024 17:00:17.975285000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"US general3",
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