There’s very little on this planet as polarizing as “the right position of toilet paper”: what I call cis-centralis /pendens, or trans-centralis/murālis? (yup, I just made those up — start googling 👹).A puffin trying to find the right position to his toilet paperAs a Ruby on Rails developer, I’ve been long interested in Default over Configuration (and POLA). What is the default/correct solution? I thought I knew.. until I got married.myhome: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # looking for a golden default.. bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # must clearly be the same golden default!The official SolutionThe inventor of toilet paper patented the solution in 1891 (patent US459516, apparently Seth Wheeler was a Googler ante litteram).However.... It’s actually more complicated than it looks.I have this sheldonic tendency of thinking people disagreeing with me on trivial things being automatically wrong; however, I often stand corrected. This is one of those times :) After consulting a number of people who disagreed with me, trying to hold my initial disgust in this barbaric act of “muralic paper” (Are you crazy?!? It gets dirty just before touching your butt!) I realized there are cases where that configuration can actually do better.If you have a cat, the cat will likely like to play with the paper.If you have a son, say his name is Sebastian . I don’t have any experimental proof that a daughter would yield the same results. Please comment to provide further data points.There might be other occasions where this might be true (eg, windy location, gravity working against you, lot of liquid close to the precious paper, ..). Please contribute with your own experience.ConclusionsIn this factious article, I took a dilemma, showed the solution, and then showed that the solution can fail due to .# This is the perfect solution which works for my home.my_home: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: pendens bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: muralisI believe after reading this, you will be a more complete human. You’re welcome 🤣
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Title: What is toilet paper’s right side?
There’s very little on this planet as polarizing as “the right position of toilet paper”: what I call cis-centralis /pendens, or trans-centralis/murālis? (yup, I just made those up — start googling 👹).A puffin trying to find the right position to his toilet paperAs a Ruby on Rails developer, I’ve been long interested in Default over Configuration (and POLA). What is the default/correct solution? I thought I knew.. until I got married.myhome: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # looking for a golden default.. bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # must clearly be the same golden default!The official SolutionThe inventor of toilet paper patented the solution in 1891 (patent US459516, apparently Seth Wheeler was a Googler ante litteram).However.... It’s actually more complicated than it looks.I have this sheldonic tendency of thinking people disagreeing with me on trivial things being automatically wrong; however, I often stand corrected. This is one of those times :) After consulting a number of people who disagreed with me, trying to hold my initial disgust in this barbaric act of “muralic paper” (Are you crazy?!? It gets dirty just before touching your butt!) I realized there are cases where that configuration can actually do better.If you have a cat, the cat will likely like to play with the paper.If you have a son, say his name is Sebastian . I don’t have any experimental proof that a daughter would yield the same results. Please comment to provide further data points.There might be other occasions where this might be true (eg, windy location, gravity working against you, lot of liquid close to the precious paper, ..). Please contribute with your own experience.ConclusionsIn this factious article, I took a dilemma, showed the solution, and then showed that the solution can fail due to .# This is the perfect solution which works for my home.my_home: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: pendens bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: muralisI believe after reading this, you will be a more complete human. You’re welcome 🤣
Author: Riccardo Carlesso
PublishedDate: 2023-08-08
Category: Blogs
NewsPaper: Riccardo Carlesso - Medium
Tags: toilet-paper, ruby-on-rails
"title"=>"What is toilet paper’s right side?",
There’s very little on this planet as polarizing as “the right position of toilet paper”: what I call cis-centralis /pendens, or trans-centralis/murālis? (yup, I just made those up — start googling 👹).
A puffin trying to find the right position to his toilet paper
As a Ruby on Rails developer, I’ve been long interested in Default over Configuration (and POLA). What is the default/correct solution? I thought I knew.. until I got married.
myhome: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # looking for a golden default.. bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: '?!?' # must clearly be the same golden default!
The official Solution
The inventor of toilet paper patented the solution in 1891 (patent US459516, apparently Seth Wheeler was a Googler ante litteram).
.. It’s actually more complicated than it looks.
I have this sheldonic tendency of thinking people disagreeing with me on trivial things being automatically wrong; however, I often stand corrected. This is one of those times :) After consulting a number of people who disagreed with me, trying to hold my initial disgust in this barbaric act of “muralic paper” (Are you crazy?!? It gets dirty just before touching your butt!) I realized there are cases where that configuration can actually do better.
If you have a cat, the cat will likely like to play with the paper.
If you have a son, say his name is Sebastian . I don’t have any experimental proof that a daughter would yield the same results. Please comment to provide further data points.
There might be other occasions where this might be true (eg, windy location, gravity working against you, lot of liquid close to the precious paper, ..). Please contribute with your own experience.
In this factious article, I took a dilemma, showed the solution, and then showed that the solution can fail due to .
# This is the perfect solution which works for my home. my_home: bath_ricc: toilet_paper_position: pendens bath_kids: toilet_paper_position: muralis
I believe after reading this, you will be a more complete human. You’re welcome 🤣
"author"=>"Riccardo Carlesso",
"published_date"=>Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:37:20.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"created_at"=>Sun, 31 Mar 2024 20:27:11.470594000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:59:16.464278000 UTC +00:00,
"newspaper"=>"Riccardo Carlesso - Medium",