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<p>The Dutch legalisation spared her further misery. We don’t take euthanasia lightly; we’re just grateful to have the option</p><p>My mother, Jannèt, was 90 years old when she ended her life by means of euthanasia. For years she had been suffering from numerous serious and painful conditions that, although not fatal, did make her life miserable. She always worried about her health and was terrified of what the future undeniably held in store for her: more pain, more dependence on others, more suffering, more desperation.</p><p>On 20 June 2022 at 2pm she was visited by a doctor and a nurse. They had a last conversation with her, during which the doctor asked her if euthanasia was still what she wanted. My mother said yes. She had already decided that she would take the drink herself instead of being injected. She didn’t want to mentally burden the doctor more than necessary.</p><p>Renate van der Zee is a Dutch writer and journalist</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/01/assisted-dying-mother-dutch-legalisation-euthanasia">Continue reading...</a>
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--- !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry published: 2024-04-01 06:00:07.000000000 Z image: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/92b2ffb068865d722e4b8e18e6bfb82a82006264/0_117_3500_2100/master/3500.jpg?width=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=05f64d4b6c02a5cadf0ed265d6b85570 entry_id: !ruby/object:Feedjira::Parser::GloballyUniqueIdentifier guid: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/01/assisted-dying-mother-dutch-legalisation-euthanasia title: I understand why people are wary about assisted dying, but it gave my mother a dignified end | Renate van der Zee categories: - Assisted dying - Society - Law - Death and dying - Netherlands summary: '<p>The Dutch legalisation spared her further misery. We don’t take euthanasia lightly; we’re just grateful to have the option</p><p>My mother, Jannèt, was 90 years old when she ended her life by means of euthanasia. For years she had been suffering from numerous serious and painful conditions that, although not fatal, did make her life miserable. She always worried about her health and was terrified of what the future undeniably held in store for her: more pain, more dependence on others, more suffering, more desperation.</p><p>On 20 June 2022 at 2pm she was visited by a doctor and a nurse. They had a last conversation with her, during which the doctor asked her if euthanasia was still what she wanted. My mother said yes. She had already decided that she would take the drink herself instead of being injected. She didn’t want to mentally burden the doctor more than necessary.</p><p>Renate van der Zee is a Dutch writer and journalist</p> <a href="https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/01/assisted-dying-mother-dutch-legalisation-euthanasia">Continue reading...</a>' rss_fields: - title - url - summary - author - categories - published - entry_id - image url: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/01/assisted-dying-mother-dutch-legalisation-euthanasia carlessian_info: news_filer_version: 2 newspaper: US general21 macro_region: USA author: Renate van der Zee
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Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-04-01 08:44:04 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,summary,author,categories,published,entry_id,image. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/USA/US general21/2024-04-01-I_understand_why_people_are_wary_about_assisted_dying,_but_it_ga-v2.yaml
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