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As Christians celebrate Easter, all eyes were on those leading festivities. Pope Francis sounded hoarse but firm during his Easter sermon amid mounting health concerns. King Charles conducted his first major public engagement since announcing his cancer diagnosis during the annual Windsor service, with Princess Kate notably absent. From war-torn lands to 5th Avenue, the holiday’s message of hope persisted. NBC News’ Marissa Parra reports.
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Ricc internal notes
Imported via /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/import-feedjira.rb on 2024-04-01 08:45:44 +0200. Content is EMPTY here. Entried: title,url,summary,published,entry_id,image. TODO add Newspaper: filename = /Users/ricc/git/gemini-news-crawler/webapp/db/seeds.d/../../../crawler/out/feedjira/USA/US general9/2024-03-31-Christians_worldwide_celebrate_Easter,_with_the_Pope_and_King_Ch-v2.yaml
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