[Request] 1. API Call: q=Global Warming
Here is the request built by langchainrb's
NewsRetriever tool:
irb> NewsRetriever.get_everything(q: 'Global Warming', page_size: 6)
I, [2024-05-24T18:31:54.143965 #2273497] INFO -- : [Langchain.rb] [NewsRetriever]: Retrieving all news
API Result ("BFJ"):
Status (from JSON): ok
Total results (from JSON): 2154
{"status":"ok","totalResults":2154,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Gizmodo.com"},"author":"Matthew Gault","title":"The Billionaire Plot to Block Out the Sun","description":"Can thousands of pounds of sulfur dioxide pumped into the stratosphere reverse global warming? We may soon find out.","url":"https://gizmodo.com/the-billionaire-plot-to-block-out-the-sun-2000517294","urlToImage":"https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2024/10/SunsetWindmills.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-10-28T14:40:53Z","content":"What was once a goofy plot point from Highlander II and The Simpsons may one day come to pass. Billionaire weirdos in Silicon Valley are plotting to block out the sun. Why? Were running out of time t… [+4831 chars]"},
{"source":{"id":null,"name":"BBC News"},"author":null,"title":"Is the UN warning of 3.1C global warming a surprise?","description":"Another dire temperature prediction but it has to be seen in context.","url":"https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0d24w28qno","urlToImage":"https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/5482/live/74574d00-921d-11ef-89ae-5575c76d98e6.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-10-24T17:20:11Z","content":"Climate change is leading to more of the type of weather conditions that risk wildfires\r\nThe headlines are pretty grim - without action the world could warm by a massive 3.1C this century, the UN say… [+3841 chars]"},
{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Gizmodo.com"},"author":"Tik Root, Grist","title":"What Trump’s Re-Election Means for Our Warming Planet","description":"With control of the White House and the Senate, Republicans are poised to upend U.S. climate policy.","url":"https://gizmodo.com/what-trumps-re-election-means-for-our-warming-planet-2000521203","urlToImage":"https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2024/11/Hurricane-Milton-Florida.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-11-06T19:25:55Z","content":"Donald J. Trump will once again be president of the United States.\r\nThe Associated Press called the race for Trump early Wednesday morning, ending one of the costliest and most turbulent campaign cyc… [+8410 chars]"},
{"source":{"id":null,"name":"BBC News"},"author":null,"title":"2024 on track to be world's warmest year on record","description":"It is also set to be the world's first breach of 1.5C of warming across an entire calendar year.","url":"https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1dpnxnvv2go","urlToImage":"https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/1752/live/f64f29a0-9c4e-11ef-b80c-51ebf6f5ee4f.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-11-07T03:22:24Z","content":"It is now \"virtually certain\" that 2024 - a year punctuated by intense heatwaves and deadly storms - will be the world's warmest on record, according to projections by the European climate service.\r\n… [+3556 chars]"},
{"source":{"id":null,"name":"BBC News"},"author":null,"title":"Ultra-rich using jets like taxis, climate scientists warn","description":"Researchers worked out the amount of planet-warming gas released by private jets over four years.","url":"https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2lvq4el5vo","urlToImage":"https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/branded_news/770f/live/28ce6100-9cf1-11ef-82c3-45a801b7330b.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-11-07T16:37:44Z","content":"The mega-rich are using private jets like taxis, warn climate scientists who tracked flights to calculate the planet-warming gases they release.\r\nThe scientists worked out that the carbon dioxide emi… [+4671 chars]"},
{"source":{"id":"the-verge","name":"The Verge"},"author":"Justine Calma","title":"2024 is going to smash heat records","description":"Global temperatures soared in 2024, likely cruising past a key threshold.","url":"https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/8/24291309/2024-hottest-year-heat-record-climate-change-goals","urlToImage":"https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Op5qhysj8kfBCprKGk8IbJc6JpI=/0x0:2040x1360/1200x628/filters:focal(1020x680:1021x681)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24533950/STK438_global_warming_climate_change_fire.jpg","publishedAt":"2024-11-08T18:47:25Z","content":"2024 is going to smash heat records\r\n2024 is going to smash heat records\r\n / Its on track to be the hottest year on record, with little wiggle room left to achieve global climate coals. \r\nIts virtual… [+2883 chars]"}]}
[Response] 2. API results: First Article
source: {"id"=>nil, "name"=>"Gizmodo.com"}
author: Matthew Gault
title: The Billionaire Plot to Block Out the Sun
description: Can thousands of pounds of sulfur dioxide pumped into the stratosphere reverse global warming? We may soon find out.
url: https://gizmodo.com/the-billionaire-plot-to-block-out-the-sun-2000517294
urlToImage: https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2024/10/SunsetWindmills.jpg
publishedAt: 2024-10-28T14:40:53Z
content: What was once a goofy plot point from Highlander II and The Simpsons may one day come to pass. Billionaire weirdos in Silicon Valley are plotting to block out the sun. Why? Were running out of time t… [+4831 chars]
fine hidden
[Response] 3. API results from NewsCatcher: reassembled from JSON
2024-10-28 - Matthew Gault
Can thousands of pounds of sulfur dioxide pumped into the stratosphere reverse global warming? We may soon find out.
What was once a goofy plot point from Highlander II and The Simpsons may one day come to pass. Billionaire weirdos in Silicon Valley are plotting to block out the sun. Why? Were running out of time t… [+4831 chars]
2024-10-24 -
Another dire temperature prediction but it has to be seen in context.
Climate change is leading to more of the type of weather conditions that risk wildfires
The headlines are pretty grim - without action the world could warm by a massive 3.1C this century, the UN say… [+3841 chars]
2024-11-06 - Tik Root, Grist
With control of the White House and the Senate, Republicans are poised to upend U.S. climate policy.
Donald J. Trump will once again be president of the United States.
The Associated Press called the race for Trump early Wednesday morning, ending one of the costliest and most turbulent campaign cyc… [+8410 chars]
2024-11-07 -
It is also set to be the world's first breach of 1.5C of warming across an entire calendar year.
It is now "virtually certain" that 2024 - a year punctuated by intense heatwaves and deadly storms - will be the world's warmest on record, according to projections by the European climate service.
… [+3556 chars]
2024-11-07 -
Researchers worked out the amount of planet-warming gas released by private jets over four years.
The mega-rich are using private jets like taxis, warn climate scientists who tracked flights to calculate the planet-warming gases they release.
The scientists worked out that the carbon dioxide emi… [+4671 chars]
2024-11-08 - Justine Calma
Global temperatures soared in 2024, likely cruising past a key threshold.
2024 is going to smash heat records
2024 is going to smash heat records
/ Its on track to be the hottest year on record, with little wiggle room left to achieve global climate coals.
Its virtual… [+2883 chars]
Note. This CSS was created by Gemini Ultra. We're taking all the ingredients from JSON artifact
and building it back into a nice tailwind card.
The fields provided by the JSON result (first article to be specific) are: ["source", "author", "title", "description", "url", "urlToImage", "publishedAt", "content"]