♊️ GemiNews 🗞️ (dev)

Demo 1: Embeddings + Recommendation Demo 2: Bella RAGa Demo 3: NewRetriever Demo 4: Assistant function calling

To change querys use ?q=blah. Example: q=Bologna, q=Cyprus, q=Donald Trump, q=Global Warming, q=Malta, q=Modena, q=Pescara, q=Riccardo Carlesso, q=Ruby Day, q=United Kingdom, q=Verona, q=Zurich, .. 💻 Demo 03 on github

[Response] 3. API results from NewsCatcher: reassembled from JSON

Note. This CSS was created by Gemini Ultra. We're taking all the ingredients from JSON artifact and building it back into a nice tailwind card.

The fields provided by the JSON result (first article to be specific) are: nada