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๐Ÿ—ž๏ธDid Capturing Carbon from the Air Just Get Easier?

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Did Capturing Carbon from the Air Just Get Easier?

2024-10-27 - EditorDavid (from science.slashdot.org)

\"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \"and it was beautiful. \\n\\n\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of CO2,\\\" Yaghi says in an announcement from the university. \\\"โ€ฆ

\"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \"and it was beautiful.\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of Cโ€ฆ [+3180 chars]

[gemini-fun-call] ๐ŸŒŽ https://science.slashdot.org/story/24/10/26/2318201/did-capturing-carbon-from-the-air-just-get-easier [๐Ÿง ] [v2] article_embedding_description: {:llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>723, :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"text-embedding-004"}
[๐Ÿง ] [v1/3] title_embedding_description: {:ricc_notes=>"[embed-v3] Fixed on 9oct24. Only seems incompatible at first glance with embed v1.", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>723, :poly_field=>"title", :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"text-embedding-004"}
[๐Ÿง ] [v1/3] summary_embedding_description: {:ricc_notes=>"[embed-v3] Fixed on 9oct24. Only seems incompatible at first glance with embed v1.", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>723, :poly_field=>"summary", :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"text-embedding-004"}
[๐Ÿง ] As per bug https://github.com/palladius/gemini-news-crawler/issues/4 we can state this article belongs to titile/summary version: v3 (very few articles updated on 9oct24)


Title: Did Capturing Carbon from the Air Just Get Easier?
Summary: \"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \"and it was beautiful. \\n\\n\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of CO2,\\\" Yaghi says in an announcement from the university. \\\"โ€ฆ

\"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \"and it was beautiful.\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of Cโ€ฆ [+3180 chars]

Author: EditorDavid
PublishedDate: 2024-10-27
Category: gemini-fun-call
NewsPaper: science.slashdot.org
"title"=>"Did Capturing Carbon from the Air Just Get Easier?",
"summary"=>"\\\"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\\\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \\\"and it was beautiful. \\\\n\\\\n\\\\\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of CO2,\\\\\\\" Yaghi says in an announcement from the university. \\\\\\\"โ€ฆ",
"content"=>"\\\"We passed Berkeley air โ€” just outdoor air โ€” into the material to see how it would perform,\\\" says U.C. Berkeley chemistry professor Omar Yaghi, \\\"and it was beautiful.\\\\\\\"It cleaned the air entirely of Cโ€ฆ [+3180 chars]",
"published_date"=>Sun, 27 Oct 2024 01:34:00.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"ricc_source"=>"Gemini FunctionCalling",
"created_at"=>Mon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:23.767782000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Mon, 28 Oct 2024 01:53:23.767782000 UTC +00:00,
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