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🗞️The Virtual Villages Helping Digital Nomads Find Real-World Friends

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The Virtual Villages Helping Digital Nomads Find Real-World Friends

2024-11-26 - Rosie Bell (from www.wired.com)

Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders.

Anyone want to meet up for some steak? This was the message posted by a man named David in the Digital Nomads Buenos Aires Facebook group five years ago. I responded, and upon meeting in the leafy Palermo district of the Argentinian capital, we became firm friends. Five years and countless steaks later, we’re still in contact, though we now live on opposite sides of the world. I’ve since joined dozens of similar groups, from Digital Nomads Bali to Digital Nomads Zurich, and they’ve all provided a similar sense of community and belonging. Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders. And if you time it right, you might even get a free steak.

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[🧠] As per bug https://github.com/palladius/gemini-news-crawler/issues/4 we can state this article belongs to titile/summary version: v3 (very few articles updated on 9oct24)


Title: The Virtual Villages Helping Digital Nomads Find Real-World Friends
Summary: Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders.

Anyone want to meet up for some steak? This was the message posted by a man named David in the Digital Nomads Buenos Aires Facebook group five years ago. I responded, and upon meeting in the leafy Palermo district of the Argentinian capital, we became firm friends. Five years and countless steaks later, we’re still in contact, though we now live on opposite sides of the world. I’ve since joined dozens of similar groups, from Digital Nomads Bali to Digital Nomads Zurich, and they’ve all provided a similar sense of community and belonging. Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders. And if you time it right, you might even get a free steak.

Author: Rosie Bell
PublishedDate: 2024-11-26
Category: gemini-fun-call
NewsPaper: www.wired.com
"title"=>"The Virtual Villages Helping Digital Nomads Find Real-World Friends",
"summary"=>"Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders.",
"content"=>"Anyone want to meet up for some steak? This was the message posted by a man named David in the Digital Nomads Buenos Aires Facebook group five years ago. I responded, and upon meeting in the leafy Palermo district of the Argentinian capital, we became firm friends. Five years and countless steaks later, we’re still in contact, though we now live on opposite sides of the world. I’ve since joined dozens of similar groups, from Digital Nomads Bali to Digital Nomads Zurich, and they’ve all provided a similar sense of community and belonging. Itinerant online workers needn’t suffer a single day of lonesomeness with these digital-first friend-finders. And if you time it right, you might even get a free steak.",
"author"=>"Rosie Bell",
"published_date"=>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:00:00.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"ricc_source"=>"Gemini FunctionCalling",
"created_at"=>Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:44:43.000548000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:44:43.000548000 UTC +00:00,
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