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🗞️Doctor Who returns in April with an evil new cartoon villain

Doctor Who returns in April with an evil new cartoon villain

2025-02-26 - Andrew Webster (from www.theverge.com)

Ncuti Gatwa’s version of the Doctor will be back pretty soon. Disney Plus and the BBC announced that the next season of Doctor Who will start streaming on April 12th, with new episodes dropping weekly. The season will span eight episodes total. Perhaps more i…

The season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC. The season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC… [+1724 chars]

[gemini-fun-call] 🌎 https://www.theverge.com/news/619785/doctor-who-disney-plus-bbc-april-date [🧠] [v2] article_embedding_description: {:llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>710, :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"text-embedding-004"}
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[🧠] [v1/3] summary_embedding_description: {:ricc_notes=>"[embed-v3] Fixed on 9oct24. Only seems incompatible at first glance with embed v1.", :llm_dimensions=>nil, :article_size=>710, :poly_field=>"summary", :llm_embeddings_model_name=>"text-embedding-004"}
[🧠] As per bug https://github.com/palladius/gemini-news-crawler/issues/4 we can state this article belongs to titile/summary version: v3 (very few articles updated on 9oct24)


Title: Doctor Who returns in April with an evil new cartoon villain
Summary: Ncuti Gatwa’s version of the Doctor will be back pretty soon. Disney Plus and the BBC announced that the next season of Doctor Who will start streaming on April 12th, with new episodes dropping weekly. The season will span eight episodes total. Perhaps more i…

The season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC.
The season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC… [+1724 chars]

Author: Andrew Webster
PublishedDate: 2025-02-26
Category: gemini-fun-call
NewsPaper: www.theverge.com
"title"=>"Doctor Who returns in April with an evil new cartoon villain",
"summary"=>"Ncuti Gatwa’s version of the Doctor will be back pretty soon. Disney Plus and the BBC announced that the next season of Doctor Who will start streaming on April 12th, with new episodes dropping weekly. The season will span eight episodes total. Perhaps more i…",
"content"=>"The season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC.\r\nThe season will also introduce a new companion for the Doctor when it hits Disney Plus and the BBC… [+1724 chars]",
"author"=>"Andrew Webster",
"published_date"=>Wed, 26 Feb 2025 14:40:55.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"ricc_source"=>"Gemini FunctionCalling",
"created_at"=>Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:01:52.598582000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:01:52.598582000 UTC +00:00,
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