🗞️Biodegradable microplastics study helps quantify their climate change and ecotoxicity impacts
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Biodegradable microplastics study helps quantify their climate change and ecotoxicity impacts
- Leah Campbell
(from phys.org)
Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegradable and bio-based plastics made from organic material are …
Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegra… [+3900 chars]
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------------------------------ Title: Biodegradable microplastics study helps quantify their climate change and ecotoxicity impacts Summary: Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegradable and bio-based plastics made from organic material are … [content] Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegra… [+3900 chars] [/content] Author: Leah Campbell PublishedDate: 2024-10-22 Category: gemini-fun-call NewsPaper: phys.org
"title"=>"Biodegradable microplastics study helps quantify their climate change and ecotoxicity impacts",
"summary"=>"Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegradable and bio-based plastics made from organic material are …",
"content"=>"Over 20 million tons of plastic are estimated to end up in the environment every year, with much of it breaking down into microplastics that are harmful to the health of humans and wildlife. Biodegra… [+3900 chars]",
"author"=>"Leah Campbell",
"published_date"=>Tue, 22 Oct 2024 19:00:36.000000000 UTC +00:00,
"ricc_source"=>"Gemini FunctionCalling",
"created_at"=>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 19:21:34.862062000 UTC +00:00,
"updated_at"=>Wed, 23 Oct 2024 19:21:34.862062000 UTC +00:00,